From Blueprint to Pixels..

This is my story.

From Blueprint to Pixels..

This is my story.

My Background in Architecture.

In the summer of 2019, I graduated from architecture school. My thesis research focused on designing assisted living facilities aimed at nurturing the well-being of the elderly in rural settings. The goal was to promote physical well-being and positive experiences through personal connection with the elements of the earth.

My project was nominated in All India 'Best Thesis in 2019' held by National Association of Students of Architecture.

This endeavor marked my initial step towards designing experiences for people with empathy.

But, I wanted more.

With an artistic mindset, I've always yearned to design with purpose. Architecture initially fulfilled this desire, but I grew dissatisfied with the industry's sluggish pace. Deep down, I had a curiosity to comprehensively understand a field that manifested signs of technology and research with design.

Coincidentally, after pandemic due to the surge of development and presence of virtual and online engagement, my paths crossed the field of User Experience Design.

After completing my master's from Kingston University, I was honored to work at Ticketmaster, one of the biggest and most renowned entertainment companies in the world, as a Product Design Associate.

In my spare time,

When I'm not crafting intuitive designs, you can find me tinkering with the latest technology, learning new design software, or discovering new ways to improve the user experience or maybe just sketching.

I am currently exploring the world of Generative AI and understanding how LLMs functions and how we can leverage the hype in our existing workflow for efficient productivity.

my pitch

What sets me apart


My empathy extends beyond user

Now, although I know that as a designer, having empathy for your user is the most important thing. But I believe that aligning your beliefs and commitment to your company’s vision is also imperative to think of better solutions.


My cross disciplinary experience can be helpful

Having worked as an Architect (and as a Product design intern recently) on plethora of projects can make me understand problems from a different perspective and because of that, I can vouch for design interventions that are multi-dimensional in nature.


I have a strong visual eye for things and not afraid to experiment

This is quite evident in my portfolio. And this is me not being overconfident, but this is a testimony from others that I usually hear about my work.  Plus, I am learning to code! I thought it would be cool to develop things on your own right?


I have a curiosity and drive to constantly learn

I thrive on exploration and experimentation, constantly seeking out new ideas and approaches to push the boundaries of what's possible in UX design. Whether it's experimenting with emerging technologies or exploring innovative design methodologies, I'm always eager to dive in and see where it leads.

Thanks for visiting my portfolio. If you like what you see, let's connect.

Alternatively, here's my resume ↗

Thanks for visiting my portfolio. If you like what you see, let's connect.

Alternatively, here's my resume ↗

Thanks for visiting my portfolio. If you like what you see, let's connect.

Alternatively, here's my resume ↗